Assignment for Superflat, due by 1 pm Tuesday, March 21

After reading the two assigned texts by Murakami Takashi on his concept of Superflat, please post a comment responding to the following questions (which you can copy and past into a reply, and then answer):

1.  Briefly describe one or two ideas that you consider to be important to your reading of the texts.

2.  What do you think is Murakami's intention/purpose in writing the essays?

3.  Give at least two questions for the class meeting.  Your questions can include things that you may need some help with in order to understand what Murakami is trying to say, in addition to broader questions for discussion. 

4.  Do you see any parallels between Tanizaki's essay and Murakami's essays?  If you do, try to describe one or two. 

5.  You don't need to write about this unless you'd like to, but can you see any threads connecting some of the main concepts that have come up this semester, including cultural representation, cultural imperialism, cultural difference and/or essentialism, the politics of representation/culture, Orientalism....

And emptiness (mu or kuu), transience and mutability (mujou), the concept of "ma" (interstitial space/the space between/seeing things as a continuum and not a binary), Tanizaki's concept of shadows....



Final Project: Takashi Murakami x Buddha statue/paintings

Blog assignment for Tuesday, April 4